
Dynamic AWS IAM Policies

We maintain a CloudFormation custom resource provider for Amazon Connect. The provider has grown organically, and as new features were added, the default role policy has become large. The provider can

My Blogging Tools

If you are looking for a low-cost blogging platform on AWS, look no further! I wanted something very easy to use, which has a lot of features and uses my core tools (AWS, Node, CDK, Markdown). For thi Syndication Policy

If you found a post useful and would like to repost it on your site: Go for it! All I ask is that you attribute as the original source of the article. If it’s on the web, please provide a link back to the original article on

Achieved: 250lb Bench Press Goal

For my 2022 New Year’s resolution, I decided on: 250 lb for 1 rep on the bench press. Almost 2 years later, I finally got it.

TechHub Hackathon 2023

We pulled together a team on Friday night, built an app on Saturday, and presented on Sunday. Not a win, but what a great experience!

10x API Start-up Boost

I while ago I optimized my Screen Saver Gallery API by loading a flat data file into lambda memory. A nightly job selects a random subset of the database and stores it in S3, and the API uses that fil

FloridaJS: Amazon Connect and Lex

I will be presenting at FloridaJS on Amazon Connect and Lex. Sign up here DetailsThis is an IN-PERSON event AI from the big three providers can make it a snap to quickly create what you need before tr

AWS Certified SysOps Associate

I am now an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate! 5 years of AWS experience adds up. I only studied about 5 hours for the test using these Udemy practice exams.

AWS SAM Multi-Region Packaging Script

I use this bash loop to package an AWS SAM template to multiple regions. This script stages the CloudFormation template and assets in a regional bucket. You can share the bucket with other accounts vi