Tag: HowTo

AWS SAM Multi-Region Packaging Script

I use this bash loop to package an AWS SAM template to multiple regions. This script stages the CloudFormation template and assets in a regional bucket. You can share the bucket with other accounts vi

AWS Athena SAM Policies

AWS Athena provides SQL queries over S3 data. The service depends on S3, Glue, and Athena itself so getting permissions set up can be tricky. Here is what worked for me.

AWS Serverless Workshop at FloridaJS

I had the honor of presenting an AWS Workshop at my local JavaScript User Group - FloridaJS. It was a short session on building serverless web applications on AWS.

Assume Role with MFA

CLI Assume Role with MFA (assume-role-mfa.sh)This script will assume a cross-account role using your MFA device and output the credentials into a named profile. 1234567891011121314151617181920212223#!

Assume Cross Account AWS Role

Unlike an embarrassing Facebook post, developers can’t simply say “That wasn’t me, I got hacked” and expect it all to go away… Sarcasm aside, security without passwords is not only convenient, it keeps the password from landing in the wrong hands.

Cold Transfer in AWS Connect Streams

The Amazon Connect Streams API allows you to create custom interfaces for the soft-phone and provides many functions for interacting with the current connection. It is a powerful set of tools but some of the more sophisticated functions may not be obvious.